Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Fed Raises Interest Rates Again - What This Means for Your Loans

On Wednesday, March 21st, The Federal Reserve raised interest rates (prime rate) by a quarter percent. For people with a traditional 30-year fixed, this has no effect on their loan. But it could affect those who have ARM loans that are adjusting, equity lines of credit and credit cards. Those loans are tied to the prime rate, and will see the actual increase show up within 60 days.

Items such as mortgages and credit cards are benchmarked against the prime rate, and banks are in charge of implementing such Fed Rate changes. Higher rates have already begun hitting the housing market, and though still low by historical standards, mortgage rates are on the rise at a time when inventory of affordable houses is low.

You may see an increase in your monthly payments if you have an adjustable-rate mortgage that is maturing, a home equity loan, or balances on credit cards. Furthermore, with the new tax changes that have occurred, the interest you pay on Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC’s) are no longer a tax deduction. Given that information, now may be a good time to consider refinancing into a 30-year mortgage to avoid this increase in payment or to consolidate your 1st and 2nd mortgage into one affordable fixed payment.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

7-Story Residential Project Approved Just Outside Downtown RWC

The Redwood City Planning Commission on Tuesday approved a 7-story, 125 unit housing project just outside of downtown Redwood City at 353 Main Street.  The project will stretch 2 stories higher than the adjacent Township Luxury Apartments, and will take the place of an existing 1-story office strip.
353 Main will include 19 units of below market rate housing, fulfilling the city's 15% requirement for new residential development.   Also, since the project will offer 7 units to families earning less than half the area income ($60,000/year for a family of 4), it will qualify for a state density bonus allowing the building to increase its size to 143 total units.  Those 7 units are expected to rent for $888/month.
All of the below market rate housing will be retained as such for 55 years after occupancy
Commissioners requested the Developer, ROEM Development, make 20% of the units BMR and maintain the housing protections for 99 years, but they did not mandate it.  As such, the those conditions will not likely be met.